The Flipper Club in Open Water
In summer 2019 Christine Addison and Amanda Sharples were successful in achieving their Open Water Coaching Qualifications from the STA. The course was taken by Keri-Anne Payne, the two-time 10km open water world champion, and Olympic silver medallist. Specialising in marathon open water swimming, Christine and Amanda were in good hands with Keri-Anne and the group as a whole were an inspiring mix of individuals putting their swimming teaching, and now open water coaching, to good use.
Amanda and Christine were joined by people helping veterans recover through open water immersion, someone helping women with mental health problems by teaching them how to swim in the sea and amongst others, we’re hoping to introduce The Flipper Club Open Water in Summer 2020. This will be available for adults and children swimming in Stages 8 +. Contact us to register your interest!