RLSS Pool to Pond - open water swimming intro course

Introducing our Pool to Pond course!

We’re pleased to offer you a 2 week RLSS Pool to Pond course this term for adults and over 14yr olds. If you’re thinking of swimming outdoors this year or are looking to brush up your skills, join us!

Pool to Pond (accredited by the Royal Life Saving Society - RLSS) is a course for those thinking about swimming in the open water this summer. From the comfort and convenience of Dunottar School pool we’ll introduce you to all the skills you need for outdoor swimming:

  • we’ll discuss water safety and risk assessing

  • common fears

  • the open water environment(s)

  • equipment/kit

  • all about cold water

  • event swimming skills (for triathlons etc)

  • and simply raise your awareness and confidence of open water swimming before taking the plunge outdoors.

Julia Dawe will be taking the session; Julia is an STA Open Water coach, she’s swum the English Channel, as well as, many other open water events, plus she is a regular coach at Divers Cove lake in Godstone.

The sessions will run on a Sunday at Dunottar School - 5.30pm - 6.45pm on the following dates:

  • Sunday 14th May

  • Sunday 21st May

The course is £40 per person for the two x 1 hour 15min sessions.

Please note you have to be able to swim at least 400m comfortably to join this course.

To book your place, please email: helloflipperclub@gmail.com

Amanda Sharples